Partial Character List and Pronunciation Guide
Abaddon—(AB ah don): Fallen angel, ruler of Cosmort. A unique physical creature, extremely tall at eighteen feet, cloven feet, eyes something like a serpent, forked tongue. His Nephilim always obey him.
Advac—(AD vak): Defender on Susah’s dragoneer crew.
Dachux—(DA chux): Commander of the Dragoneer Corps.
Emzara—(em ZAR uh): Susah’s mother, a healer.
Julopsen—(JOO lop SIN): A recruit with Susah in basic training.
Juven—(JOO vin): A recruit with Susah. A soldier with Susah in basic training.A soldier with Susah in basic training.A soldier with Susah in basic training:
A soldier with Susah in basic training.Lamech—(LAH meck): Noah’s father, and Commanding General of the Sethican Defense Force.
Lilith—(LIL ith): Master mind and leader of an inner-city underground. Loves to wear orange. Controls a crystal skull portal from her lair in Sethopolis. Seeks the powers of the garden inside of Eden in order to maker herself more powerful. Dangerous woman to cross.
Methuselah—(mah THOO zah lah): The ruling elder of Sethica. The father of Lamech.
Niec—(NII ek): Another recruit. First cousin of Tumblet.
Noah—(NO ah): Susah’s father. Son of Lamech. Says God talks to him. Building an Ark in his backyard.
Rek—(REK): Cainite Colonel in Náamah’s military. On a covert mission for his king.
Ruse—(ROOZ): Cainite Captain and loyal assistance to Rek.
Shamgar—(SHAM gar): A member of Susah’s dragoneer crew. He is the pilot. Though dimunitive in statue, boldly stands his ground in barfights. Was assigned to Susah’s crew after they met during Chariot Crew Training School at Castle.
Skipper—(SKIP er): An ogre who commands a cargo ship transporting people and goods between Cosmort and Port Nod.
Susah—(SOO suh): The dragoneer, a captain in the Defense Force, who is the daughter of Noah and Emzara. She left home to do something with her life, as she didn’t want to help build the ark, or anything else.
Tumblet—(TUM blet): Another recruit. Noted for being big, blonde, and hot-headed.
Unotis—(OON oh tis) Richest man in Sethica.
Vonic—(VON ick): Another recruit Grew up in a wealthy family in Sethopolis, used to the good life until she joined the military.

Kinds of Giants
Daemon—(DAY mon): Human female transformed into a Nephilim egg producing entity via her surrender to a Fallen Angel’s invitation.
Hogre—(HOH grr): Self sustaining race of giants, can also be produced by Ogre and human procreation. Adults averages Seven to eight feet tall and at least 300 pounds
Nephilim—(ne FY lem): Unclean spirits, who obtained a physical body through the use of Daemons, willing human females. Bigger and tougher than ogres, always subject to a particular fallen angel, but not all of them. Averages about twelve feet tall and nearly 1200 pounds.
Ogre—(OH grr): Self sustaining race of giants, can also be produced by Nephilim and human procreation. Averages about ten feet tall and 600 pounds
Adah—(AY dah) Slave trading center
Cosmort—(KOS mort) Commerce center
Náamah—(NAA ah mah) Homeland of Nim-Cain
Sethica—(SETH i ka) Homeland of Susah
Sethopolis—(SETH op oh lus) Capitol of Sethica
Rahab—(RAY hab) Homeland of Zebub
Terms of Measurement
League—about 3 statue miles, or a little less than 5 kilometers
Furlong—about 1/8 of a statue mile, or about 0.2 kilometers
Talent—about 75 pounds, or about 34 kilograms
Cubit—about 18 inches, or about 0.46 meter
Shekel—0.4032 ounce, or a little less than 12 grams

Terms of Measurement
League—about 3 statue miles, or a little less than 5 kilometers
Furlong—about 1/8 of a statue mile, or about 0.2 kilometers
Talent—about 75 pounds, or about 34 kilograms
Cubit—about 18 inches, or about 0.46 meter
Shekel—0.4032 ounce, or a little less than 12 grams